Foster a Cat
Provide a temporary home for a cat or kitten until he or she finds their “Purrfect Match”. Foster parents help animals who are not ready to be made available for adoption due to their age, size, health, or need for socialization. Fosters are important part ,of keeping our shelter running, and we couldn’t do what we do without them.
Think you don’t have room to foster? You can foster if you have a spare bedroom or even a spare bathroom. An orphaned kitten is undoubtedly better off in your bathroom than out on the streets by itself. Depending on the animal and the reason for foster, we may be asking for cage rest, regular feeding (for bottle baby kittens), potty training, or basic training. Foster parents help prepare pets to live as someone else’s beloved companion.
We provide dry and canned food and pay for your foster cat's or kittens' medical expenses. You just need to supply your time, energy, home, and most of all LOVE!
If you are interested in fostering some of our felines, please apply using the Online Adoption Application and type "Fostering" in the form.